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Microneedling with Platelate Rich Plasma or Exosomes

Microneedling is used to help the skin regenerate and improves the skin surface by reducing the visibility of acne scars, fine lines/wrinkles, diminish hyperpigmentation, decrease pore size, and improve skin tone and texture. Microneedling treatments create superficial “micro-channels” to the outermost layer of the skin allowing the healing process to help produce new collagen production and resurface the skin.
These microchannels allow direct delivery of platelet-rich plasma (PRP) or exosomes directly into the skin. These are concentrated growth factors that increase collagen production that rejuvenates the skin for a more youthful appearance.


• Will I feel pain?  Topical numbing cream is used to decrease pain and discomfort.
What is the downtime? Typically 2-3 days.
When will I see results? Results may be seen in 3-4 days, optimal results are 3 sessions spaced 4-6 weeks apart.
Do you have to draw my blood? Yes for PRP or “Liquid Gold” is a blood draw and a centrifuge is used to separate your blood cells to
extract your platelets and growth factors. Exosomes are serums are plant based and chemical free, are applied.

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