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VI Peels

A VI Peel is a medium-depth chemical peel that is designed to lift pigment, remove sun damage, fight fine lines and wrinkles, and improve acne and scarring. The VI Peel is a formulation of five acids: retinoic acid, trichloroacetic acid, salicylic acid, phenol, and ascorbic acid. This unique blend results in collagen stimulation to get brighter, firmer, fresh and renewed skin.


Is the peel safe for my skin type? Yes. Safe for all skin types and tones.
Will it hurt? No. It is usually painless. The application might have mild stinging but goes away immediately.
What is the downtime? About 7-10 days. Peeling starts on day 3. Post peel cream will be given to you to help the healing process. Once the peeling starts, it may look worse before it gets better. Plan events accordingly!
Can I workout? Do NOT workout during the first 2 days of the peel.  No overheating and profusely sweating.  The heat may cause peel to penetrate more deeply and unevenly.
What happens when the peeling starts? Do not pull at the peeling skin.  You run the risk creating a tear on your face, this can scar.
Can I go in the sun? Avoid the sun for the duration of the peel (7 days) and you must ware SPF 40-50 even if overcast.
When can I wear makeup? No makeup or any other topical products can be applied for the first 4 hours and after you’ve completed the “Four Hour Post Treatment” steps.

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