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Wrinkle Relaxers /Neurotoxins

Cosmetic injectable neurotoxin known as botulinum toxin type A, also know as Botox, Xeomin & Dysport work to cause facial muscles to relax, smoothing wrinkles in the forehead, between the brows, crow’s feet, and frown lines. As well as many other areas that can be treated to achieve the most natural and youthful look you want.


  • How many units will I need? The number needed is on an individual basis depending on overall goals, & lifestyle.
  • How long does it take to work? Optimal results in 14 days with initial effects in 2-4 days.
    How soon can I apple makeup? After your treatment but avoid applying excessive pressure or massage.
  • What are possible side effects after my anti wrinkle injections? Small bumps around the injection sites but typically last 10-15 minutes and dissipate in a few hours. Some bruising or swelling are possible.
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